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Where are they in Lydlinch Parish ?
There are 2 defibrillators in Lydlinch Parish on in the village of Lydlinch and 1 in the hamlet of Kings Stag.
The defibrillator in Lydlinch is located on the east facing external wall of the Hooper Hall
The defibrillator in Kings Stag is located to the left of the door of the Methodist Chapel
It is registered with Ambulance Service who are aware of its location
Whilst ideal, it is not realistically possible to train all potential users of the equipment in a public setting, and therefore most communities use ‘best endeavours’ to ensure training is made available to the community. It does stress the importance of using equipment that is simple to use and does not place the end ‘untrained’ user into any stress or a difficult situation.
Training has already been provided in Lydlinch and an initial training session for Kings Stag has been arranged for 3pm on Thursday 16th February at the Methodist chapel in Kings Stag
Numbers are limited .
To register interest to attend please complete the form below or call the Parish council Chairman on 01258 817659. Further training sessions will be provided if required |